Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's going on

I'm starting this blog up because this little Tiffero is off on adventures soon! In academy just about all of my friends went on the annual mission trips.

Freshman year:Bulgaria
Sophomore year: Honduras.
Junior year:India
Senior year:Brazil.

I was too young until my junior year but still never went. This summer, that's all changing! My traveling horizons feel almost endless! I convinced my parents to let me go to....AUSTRIA! I. Am. Stoked. I"m leaving June 13th, arriving in Munich on the 14th. Then I will be on the Bogenhofen campus and on 11 cultural tours for six weeks! THRILLED doesn't even begin to explain it. But it's about as horrifying as it is exciting. With no international travel under my belt, it's alarming to think I'll be on my own. But we can only go as far as our fear allows us, so I'm kicking that to the CURB and jumping on that plane...*big gulp*