Monday, June 14, 2010

Arrival-- Day One

Oh my word. I made it, what are the odds! AND I did it with NO air sickness. After dad and I had talked to Trudy at chruch about 'sea band,' we ran off to Walgreens. I got a tight elastic band that went about three finger widths up my wrist, with a little plastic ball underneath pressing on my pressure point. Worked like a dream! I was able to read a whole book without motion sickness.

Ok that really wasn't that interesting. I made all of my connection flights without a problem and safely arrived in Munich on time....bad news is, I beat my luggage. I waited at baggage claim for a good hour. Finally, I found a airport person, prayed they spoke English and ask him what I should do. He directed me to a counter where they take care of all of that. The guy behind the counter had me list three 'unusual' items in each of my suitcases and describe the type and color of each case. He told me that my bags will be delivered to Bogenhofen tomorrow evening by 6. I sure hope so. Fortunately, I packed a toothbrush, deordant, contacts, glasses and an extra shirt, but I'm missing my jeans, shirts, power cords, adapters, shampoo....everything. So PLEASE pray that my suitcases will easily be found and returned to me soon. So far, not having my luggage is the most stressful part.

When I finished at the baggage counter, I asked some random people how to get out of the airport lol. Oh, but before that, as i was getting off the plane I asked four cute little old ladies if i could trail behind them. They were so sweet, lead me to the baggage carousal and through customs, and then promptly left me as their luggage was one of the first to come out. So after about two hours of me taking care of the lost luggage, I ask these guys how to get out of the airport, they point, I go and am shocked to turn the cornor to about 30 people all holding signs with different names and destinations on it. So I start looking for 'Bogenhofen. After some searching, I find the fellow, he shakes my hand and takes off. I ran after him, we piles into this van with two other students....none of whom said a word. And rush to the other gate to pick up two other students.

The campus is absolutely beautiful. So much greenry, beautiful trees, a little creek and pond, hills, gorgeous. I've met 5 people who are in my program now and will meet moroe tomorrow. So far i do not have a roomate. They can't decide if they want to put me with an American or an Italian. They asked me which i preferred...i really didn't know how to answer the question, so i just kinda shrugged and said 'whatever.' however, the more i think about it, the more i think i want a non American. While I'm here i really need to cease the moment and immerse myself in it all....hopefully with the help of my luggage #sigh#

Love all of you dearly! thanks for all your prayers and well wishes and please keep them coming!


  1. hii tiffany!!!!! i'm so glad you are safe and have already posted a blog!! can you post pictures? i hope your luggage arrives as planned...

    and ooooh tiffany.. you crack me up with your "uhh...i really didn't know how to answer that question..." hahaha...maybe i'm just reading into a tone that doesn't exist.. but still. i miss you and your tones. i love youu!!

  2. Jut wanted to let you know I'm avidly stalking :-) more words to come later--likely on facebook. love you <3 glad you made it safe. pssh--clothes, who needs 'em? I'm proud of the way you braved the airport stuff--it must have been stressful. This is why you rock all sorts of awesome. Well, one reason, among like a gazzillion billion. <3

    haha, I just realized you've been "traveling." snicker snicker.

  3. Tiff!!!! I'm so happy you made it there safely!! I hope your luggage shows up for you and that everything is in your luggage. That is odd that they asked you 3 unique things in your luggage. Also I'm really happy you didn't have motion sickness on the plane, that is awesome.

    I'm so happy you are enjoying the campus. You need to take a lot of pictures. I expect a full report!! Hope everything is going well still. Thinking and praying for you!!! Love ya
