Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nine Days...

It's officially nine days until I leave for Austria! My fears have calmed considerably. I've gotten over the pure outrage and horror of when I discovered I booked my ticket for the wrong month...yes month. Apparently I was feeling a bit of anxiety and homesickness and booked my return flight a few weeks premature. After a few frustrating calls to Vayama and a big ca-ching later, I got my return flight moved from June 23 to July 23.

Also there has been a rather large misunderstanding concerning visas. The ACA website indicates that we need a student visa for the six weeks that we will be there. This other student I've been talking to called the Austrian Embassy and they told her that we needed one. However, when she drove to the Embassy in Chicago the guy basically said, "Uh, what are you doing here? You definitely don't need one and I can't issue you one." However, when she called them again when she got back home they told her that, yes, she did need one. Fortunately, Brianna was a dear and called the Embassy for me, asked all the hard questions and informed her that a visa is no necessary.

So far my fears have only been alleviated by talking to Lauren and Brianna. The ACA people kinda suck at answering....well anything. Come on ACA people! I need answers and affirmation as a first time international traveler! Yes, I said it. Baby me!

I did a little faux packing today and feel pretty confident I can get everything there in two check bags and a carry on. I"m still a little ner ner about the eight hour flight I have from Philly to Munich, but I'm hoping with a little help from my friend Tylenol PM will make me too tired to care.

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