Friday, June 11, 2010

The Freak Out Begins

I woke up feeling....a little skittish. Ok, a lot skittish. My nerves having finally caught up with me. Today is basically my last day before I leave. After church tomorrow, my family and I are driving to Omaha and spending the night across the street from Eppley Field so they can drop me off at the airport around 6 am the following morning. I still have some things that I need to pick up before I leave, but I hate shopping, and especially hate it when I have a rock in the pit of my stomach...


  1. it'll be ok, tiffany! it shall it shall! i can't wait to hear about all your tiffero adventures :)

  2. Tiff it will be fantastic!!! DON"T FREAK OUT!!!! Just remember I'm completely jealous of you!!! :)

  3. Tiffany Lynn Doss...I need only to remind you of are fabulous, ridiculous, crazy, smart, strong, confident, courageous, beautiful, gorgeous, and loved. This temporary freak out should cause you no lasting concern if you allow your awesome love for life to drive out this fleeting fear. Go get it girl! I'll be thinking of you as we spend our six weeks overseas...keep me posted. Love you!

  4. Darlin, you GOT THIS! I am so incredibly proud of you (-: you are powerful, beautiful, capable, and just plain fucking awesome. I can't wait to hear about the mad adventures you'll be having. Call me before you get on the airplane? I'll try and call you at some point tomorrow. I LOVE YOU! And I miss you. And you know how special that effing makes you. So eat that shit up. K. Sleep well <3 imagine all the interesting people you'll be flying over. Ok, now I really am going to stop typing. LOVE YOU <3

  5. WOMAN!
    Facebook me, email me, call me (if you want I can give u the #) do whatever and I will fly there ANYTIME! Just say when! I would LOVE to! I hope your doing fine! You got this!! NO WORRIES!!!! I LOVE YOU!

  6. :) You are going to have so much fun! How long will you be there?
